Tuesday, August 02, 2005

The Space Shuttle - another Bush Success!

When the Colombia Shuttle exploded on re-entry into Earth's atmoshpere NASA spent over $1 Billion to make sure the foam didn't come off the rocket of the next shuttle as it jettisoned into space. So what happens? The foam came off as the Shuttle jettisoned into space! You would think that for a BILLION DOLLARS a team of scientists could find a strong enough glue to prevent that from happening again! As we see, everyting GW Bush touches turns to shit! I think we should put Bush into space. And make sure those heat shields are broken!


TheStolenOlive said...

Just as long as we can send Chaney, Dubya's dad and that new dork he just appointed to the UN with him.

Jeff Vachon said...

I agree FTVStar. We should send those seven into space on a one way ticket!