Friday, July 29, 2005

Stem cells are people too?

There have been a few times in history in which we have elected an idiot into the White House. For example, Warren G. Harding was a pretty dim bulb. But no one compares in idiocy to George W. Bush. He opposes stem cell research on "moral" issues yet send out soldiers off to a foreign land to kill without hesitation to fight an unnecessary war. Ted Bundy killed about 200 women. Jeffrey Dahmer only killed about 20 people. Bush has killed hundreds of thousands in war alone. His opposition to stem cell research will undoubtedly result in the death of millions. Bush has earned eternity in hell.


TheStolenOlive said...

I would expect nothing less from the AntiChrist

Jeff Vachon said...

You blog is great! I shall continue to leave comments.