Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Eminent Domain!

Well, well, well. Did you know that the government can force you out of business, destroy your home and ruin your life if it's for "the Public Good"? The Supreme Court has ruled that Big Businesses can stomp all over small businesses, steal their property and squish their buildings! It seems the eminent domain laws have been twisted beyond comprehension for the purposes of making the rich richer. All across the country people are being forced off their land so developers can build more expensive homes and shopping malls with really cool water fountains so the cities can reap more tax dollars! There was once a time when "eminent domain" could only be used for government purposes. Now it can be used by anyone with enough dough! Isn't that swell? The US Constitution has become nothing more than toilet paper as it has been so horribly manipulated by the Supreme Court! . There is no longer freedom of the press, freedom of speech and now there is no freedom to even live in your own home. The rich have taken over this country and the Supreme Court basically says "fuck everyone else"!

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Saint Poop John Paul II

The dead Pope John Paul II is now going to be a Saint! Isn't that swell? The Vatican council voted to make the dude a Saint.;_ylt=Ajk_04uaQg1AiRMZRbkfqmBZ.3QA;_ylu=X3oDMTBiMW04NW9mBHNlYwMlJVRPUCUl
- Now, I have to ask myself, what exactly IS a Saint? Poop John Paul II went into overpopulated, starving countries and told them not to use birth control! He ignored the AIDS crisis and went so far as to blame the sufferers! He looked the other way while Priests were fondling altar boys! Are these the actions os a Saint??? Damn! All I've ever done is fooled around with married women and pissed outside a Church. I should be a Saint too!

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

I'm going to sue the Catholic Church!!!

I'm going to sue the Catholic Church!!! As too many people have, I grew up Catholic. I was an altar boy for St. Cecilia's Church from the ages of 11 to 13. I have read so many stories of priests sexually abusing children, particularly altar boys. In the two years I served at our church not one of the three priests ever assaulted me once! Do you know what this does to my self esteem realizing that I was not pretty enough or studly enough to be assaulted? I see my old school friends driving fancy cars and living in fancy homes with the profits they got from the Catholic Church scandal while I sit in my rented house driving an old Toyota! I want my piece of the pie! Granted, I gave up Catholicism when I was 17 because the whole religion is bullshit but that shouldn't excluse me from getting a few hundred grand to repair my damaged self esteem! I'm going to sue! Let the healing begin!

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Is being gay a choice?

It seems everyone has an opinion as to whether being gay is a product of genetics, environment, societal conditioning or a combination of the three. A beefy Republican friend of mine -- who claims to be "super straight" -- argues that it's a choice. He's totally anti-gay and brags about how much he hates gays. During our conversation I tried to be diplomatic with him, seeing as he was 6'3 and over 300lbs, but a moral sense of righteousness dictated that I stand my ground and prove to him that he's wrong. Our conversation went something like this:

Me: Being gay is not a choice.

Him: Of course it's a choice!

Me: Look, when you were a teenager did you "decide" that women were going to make your dick hard and men were not or did it just sorta happen all by itself?

Him: I decided!!!

Me: Ok, you decided. In order for it to be a "choice" then you must get turned on by both men AND women! That means that YOU are gay my friend!

Him: I AM NOT GAY!!! (He pounds his fist on the desk and glares at me. Then he starts ranting and raving) WHO ARE YOU TO CALL ME GAY?? I'M A MARRIED MAN WITH TWO KIDS!!! I OUTA WHIP YOUR ASS HERE AN NOW!!!

I guess "ass-whipping" is a sure sign of "not being gay". His face turned flush with anger. At this point I ran for the door with him in pursuit. I was fast enough to escape him as staying in one place would have meant certain death. I haven't heard from him since.

No doubt about it. He's gay.