Sunday, February 12, 2006

We NEED Government Criminals!

Most of us know that Abramoff and a couple of other members of the Republican Party have admitted guilt. It would not be in our best interests to get rid of all the criminals we have in government. If we did there would BE NO GOVERNMENT! Anarchy would reign! Businesses would collapse! Most of the police would have to resign! The military would crumble! The entire planet as we know it would be destroyed! Let's either PRAISE the criminals we have now or simply impeach Bush throw out his cabinet. That would be a good start.


kimmyk said...


Hamrose said...

You know, I have often thought that....if it weren't for criminals we'd have no government. Sheesh.

Happy Valentines Day Jeff!!

Jeff Vachon said...

Happy belated Valetines to you too Hammy abd Kimmyk!