Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Pollution Will Stop Global Warming!

Scientists have found the cure for Global Warming in China. Pollution! According to Fox News (,2933,183085,00.html) "China's skies have darkened over the past 50 years, possibly due to haze resulting from a nine-fold increase in fossil fuel emissions, according to researchers from the U.S. Department of Energy." The article goes on to say that this Chinese region is actually cooler than the rest of China because of the pollution! The article also states ""The pollution (that) resulted from human activity may have created a haze which absorbs and deflects the sun's rays," Qian, the study's lead author, said in an e-mail interview Friday."

Damn! All this time we've been trying to get rid of pollution and we should actually be making more! We all know the sun causes skin cancer. But with an atmosphere full of particulates the sun never reaches the Earth and humanity is saved!

Leave it to the right-leaning Fox News to give us the straight answers! Let's all thunb our noses at those "environmentalists". I read another article some time ago that states that plants are a major source of global warming. So, if we just kill all the plants and pollute the atmoshpere then we will live longer, more productive lives and have a healthier planet!

Thank God for science!

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