Sunday, May 15, 2005

Maybe this is Bush's dream?

As Mr. Bush has never found any Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq nor any reason to attack them at all he decided it was best to attack them so they can have "freedom and Democracy"! Isn't that Noble of him? Because of the US all those Muslims will soon be worshipping our God - the REAL CHRISTIAN God - Not that silly Allah God they've been worshipping. We all know, OUR God is better than THEIR God, right? Soon the children will be wearing stylin Lands End clothes, Wrangler and Levis jeans and Nike sneakers instead of those ridiculous robes and sandals they wear now! Before you know it there will be Dunkin Donuts and Krispy Creme in every town and hamlet! All the chldren wil flock to McDonald's and Burger King and get fat just like American kids! The men and women will all drink Budweiser and eat Little Debby snack cakes! The schools will all teach about how wonderful America is and how much they love us for bringing them Democracy and all around the country they will sing "God Bless America"!

Then they will vote idiots into office like we do! Wouldn't that be just swell?

1 comment:

TheStolenOlive said...

The problem with political jokes.... they get elected!