Monday, May 09, 2005

How to live a long life!

My grandma turned 100 in January and she's still kicking. Of course, she did all the right things to live to that age. She smoked 2 packs a day, never exercised, ate fatty food and liked to drink like a lush. Now that she's 100 and living in a nursing home she has cut down on her smoking. But she still craves donuts and sweets. They say each cigarette takes 7 minutes off your life. If she didn't smoke she would have lived to be 137! And if she exercised and ate right she should have made it to 200 easy!


TheStolenOlive said...

My grandfather is only 84 but he swears the key to a long healthy life consists of the following: 1 Pot of Pinto Beans a week(loaded with onions and garlic), 2 pans of cornbread a week, 1 banana a day, 4 gallons of milk a week, and a handful of DARK chocolate whenever the craving hits. All that and the man is 6'4" and probably doesn't weigh 200 pounds soaking wet.

Jeff Vachon said...

My grandpa lived to be 92 and he still had a full head of hair. He insisted this was because of a special shampoo he made out of beer, beans and lard. I am 45 and still have all my hair too even though I use cheap shampoo. Thanks for the genes grampa!

Louise said...

My Great Gran was 98 when she died. She too smoked liked a chimney and drank brandy like there was no tomorrow. Those dieticians don't know anything!