Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Finger Food...

Some lady found a finger in her Chile at Wendy's and now authroities are trying to finger out who the finger belongs to ! Can someone please explain how you can lose a finger and no one notices? Now, this lady has decided not to sue. I suspect she reached a confidential out-of-court settlement. Is anyone reading this missing a finger?


Irina Tsukerman said...

Umm... does she have evidence that the finger was indeed there?

Louise said...

I am not missing a finger but if anyone finds a right foot in a packet of dry roasted peanuts then I think it could be mine.

Jeff Vachon said...

The offending finger still exists beyond a doubt. No doubt it was there. I am afraid the foot I found is definitly a LEFT foot Louise, so it's not yours.

Irina Tsukerman said...

Someone should put it (the finger) in a jar and preserve it as evidence and as a souvenir for that woman's progeny.

Louise said...

Hmmm, it could have been mine in the cashews, I was too blinded by the searing pain to notice exactly what type of nuts they are.

Which takes us back to the original question: "Can someone please explain how you can lose a finger and no one notices?"

Jeff Vachon said...

It was obviously a ladies finfer as it was trim and nail polished. Maybe there's sme lady out there saying to her husband, "dear, have you seen my index finger?"