Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Invented by a school teacher my ass!

Every time I go to Trader Joe's I see that stuff at the front of the counter called Airborne and it says "invented by a school teacher".  In my mind that says "don't buy this shit!"

Not only that but I'm told she's an ELEMENTARY school teacher!  At first I thought it might be a genius science professor or something.  But a teacher who teaches second grade, in my opinion, is not qualified to be inventing vitamins and deodorizers for the masses!

Even "invented by a salesman" would have more credibility to me.  At least he would understand the importance of creating a product that people will want to buy!

But this lady IS a millionaire.  Can anyone tell me, how did this shit wind up at the front of the counter at every Trader Joe's?


Spoony Quine said...

It's that easy! All you have to do is just threw crap together that was different from the other scam artist's crap!

Hey, Michael Shermer wrote an article about it....

Spoony Quine said...

(I mention is because I know you'll like it.)

Jeff Vachon said...

Thanks Seequine. My schoolteacher recommends the stuff

Spoony Quine said...

Lol!! You know what? My doctor tells me to take vitamin C for colds, but it turns out it doesn't do anything either, it was just media hype way back when. Three COLLEGE PROFESSORS (not schoolteachers) and a biology textbook, highlighting the scientific method, told me that. Oh, and probably Michael Shermer too.
` Anyway, she's so into herbs and stuff she would probably recommend Airborne too.