Saturday, May 27, 2006

It's OK to Wiretap!

I was a mere 14-year-old youth when President Nixon resigned in '74. Nixon was forced to resign in disgrace for bugging an office, The entire country was outraged. The word "Nixon" will always be equated with "criminal".

Now things are different. Bush has taken it upon himself to bug THE ENTIRE COUNTRY!!! Why are we not OUTRAGED??? If this were the 70's we'd be pounding down the door to send this man to prison.

Bush has been allowed to commit everything from wiretapping to the brutal muder of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi citizens and hundreds of American soldiers. None of these people committed a crime against us.

Have we become so apathetic as a nation that we just don't care? We have the most ruthless, heartless dictator as our President and nothing has been done! Let's overthrow the government and get that bastard out of office and into prison where he belongs!

Woops! I shouldn't have said that! I'm going to be wiretapped for sure!

1 comment:

Charles Turner said...

They control the strong elements of our government and media, meaning they can suppress dissent, while choosing the type of propaganda that moves people. Being friends of the makers of paperless voting machines also helps.