Wednesday, January 11, 2006

REAL Source of Global Warming Found!!!

The ture source of global warming has been founbd and it has NOTHING to do with us! It seems PLANTS have been causing the trouble! Check out
The must be a special variety of "farting plant" because they produce methane and contribute to 30% of global warming! This should be the news of the century! The obvious solution is to KILL THE PLANTS!!! If we kill the plants then we can produce all the pollution we want guilt-free!


kimmyk said...

I'm sure Leonardo Dicaprio will be pleased to hear this!

I've been thinking about global warming for months now-I live in Ohio and it's been in the 50's here-In January? Completely unheard of.

TheStolenOlive said...

Did you fall off the edge of the planet?