Tuesday, June 26, 2007

funny editorial : Why MUST I put the toilet seat down?

funny editorial : Why MUST I put the toilet seat down? I think I will start keeping this blog again. Does anyone remember me???


TheStolenOlive said...

I wondered if you had fallen off the planet.

Good to see you back.

And, you would be kicked out of the house on your backside for not closing the lid around here :-)

Jeff Vachon said...

Hey FTVStar! You gals all say that. By tghe way, how do I get back onto your blob?

Spoony Quine said...

` I remember you!! What, have people gone around saying 'I believe in Jeffs' and bringing you around again?

Spoony Quine said...

` BTW, my Lucas never does leave the seat up. I think part of it is that he likes to shut the lid as well, plus we have an ugly toilet rim.
` Indeed, it has nothing to do with upbringing; believe it or not, his mom always made her boys leave it up because if she didn't they'd pee on it!

Jeff Vachon said...

Your mom was a wise woman!

Spoony Quine said...

` I'll tell Lucas that....