Tuesday, September 13, 2005

The US Constitution is Squeezeably Soft!

Between Bush and the Supreme Court the Constitution has become nothing more than toilet paper. Bush and his cronies have trampled our rights out of existence. Only the rich and large corporations have "rights". Jose Padilla, an American citizen, has been locked up as a suspected terrorist for two years WITHOUT CHARGES! It seems The Supreme Court has ruled that this is OK! Whatever happened to that old-fashioned "due process" stuff? Bodies are floating down the streets in New Orleans because Bush would not allow federal money put toward strengthening levees and delayed depoying National Guard troops were not deployed until too late despite the governor begging to do so. Bush seemed to do a noble thing when he started giving out $2,000 vouchers for the hurricane victims then abruptly stopped the program - except for people in the Houston Astrodome in Bush's state of Texas. Halliburton has been directed to do the "rebuilding" of Louisiana and Mississippi in a no-bid contract. Small businesses are being torn down under "eminent domain" laws so large businesses can put up shopping malls. Hundreds of thousands are dying in Iraq for no reason. He has repeatedly stated his objection to stem cell research which could alleviate suffering for millions. How many bodies does it require for America to wake up and realize this man is UNFIT???

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