Sunday, August 12, 2007

To Promote Abstinence, Bush Begins 'Just say NO to vagina' Campaign

Written by NickFun (same story but with a picture at

President Bush and his wife Laura announced today that the federal government will attempt to promote their Abstinence Only program and discourage teenage boys from having sex with a new $1.2 Billion 'Just say NO to vagina' advertising campaign.

"The problem is that teenage boys don't seem to be able to resist vaginas." Bush said. "When I was a youth we were satisfied with a quick breast feel or a peek at the panties. We understood that penile penetration of the vagina was a sacred act reserved for married adult couples. We must promote Christian values and celibacy by proclaiming the evils of unwed vaginas and inappropriate and underage coital insertion".

His wife Laura firmly agreed. "That's right", she said.

Acting Surgeon General Rear Admiral Kenneth P. Moritsugu, M.D., M.P.H. believes that sex at too young an age can lead to both physical and mental challenges later in life. "Sex before the age of 21 can lead to physical problems such as impotency, kidney trouble, early onset Alzheimer's and obesity. Not to mention the usual litany of sexually transmitted diseases".

"Also", Moritsugu continued, "premature sex can lead to mental illnesses such as paranoia, schizophrenia and psychosis."

The advertising agency of Eileen & Ben Dover will be handling the television and print advertising for the new campaign. The television ad campaign will portray a young man locked in a straightjacket, rocking back and forth in his chair with an insane look in his eye as the announcer proclaims, "He though it would be OK to have sex at 16. He was wrong". The caption below reads: Just say NO to vagina".


S. E. E. Quine said...

` Does this mean that other sex acts don't make you insane, or are they an abomination?

Jeff Vachon said...

Breast feeling and panty peeking are OK in small amounts Seequine so long as they don't leadto the penis entering the vagina. Oral sex is strictly forbidden.

Spoony Quine said...

` So is that because it makes baby Jesus cry, or....

Spoony Quine said...

` So, like... have you gone into a parallel dimension now? Hello?

Spoony Quine said...

` So, like, while you're still apparently on the subject, is this okay?

Spoony Quine said...

` Dammit, Jeff! I've actually gone out and done something I previously thought was impossible and apparently it's still more likely than for you to update your blog. Amazing!

Spoony Quine said...

` Dammit, it's been over five months! My kittens are fully-grown now! I'm even back into blogging and doing movies again!

Spoony Quine said...

OMG! I've gotten a house and a new job and everything... and... I'm OUTRAGED that this blog has still not been updated!