For some reason this subject popped into my head. I don't deny the reality of "psychic" abilities because I possess a bit of them myself. The thing I can't stand are the frauds, charlatans and snake-oil salesmen. One time a few years ago I heard that I could get 10 minutes on a 900 psychic line for free. I was assured I would not be charged as long as long as I hung up before 10 minutes. The conversation went something like this:
Psychic: This is Hilda, thank you for calling the psychic hotline, may I ask your name?
Me: You're the psychic you tell me!
Psychic: Is this Jeff Vachon?
Me: Wow! You have caller ID!
Psychic: How can I help you Mr Vachon?
Me: Tell me my fortune.
Psychic: You are about to have some fortune in your romantic life!
Me: Shhh! Don't tell my wife, she'll get all upset.
Psychic: You are about to encounter some very good fortune financially.
Me: You mean that stock I bought in 8-track tapes is going to pay off! Yowza!
Psychic: You don't believe in psychics, do you?
Me: Wow! You ARE psychic!
At this point I realized that nearly two minutes had gone by and I didn't want to get carried away so I ended the call. They didn't charge me but I got put on a mailing list for everyone selling everything from magic potions to tabloids.
Keep in mind, there are some GOOD psychics out there. But you will never find them on a 900 number. It reminds me of a gal I knew who did phone sex and got paid big bucks for sitting at home pretending to be aroused. But that's another story.
I had a reading done by mail. It was a cut and paste job, formula comments and predictions. The come-on had been convincing enough I took the chance. I've had psychics do me spot on, one of which predicted things about my life that are still holding over forty years later.
yeah but has anyone predicted the lottery????
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