Saturday, June 17, 2006

The lovely Ann Coulter!

I wish everone would stop shitting on lovely Ann. She's a God-fearing Republican who thinks the rest of us are "godless" and immoral. Actually I like Ann just for being so entertaining. She's like a male Pat Robertson. Full of shit and proud of it! I don't DISlike her just because she's an egomaniacle, lying, hateful, vengeful, Bush-loving closeted lesbian. I just don't trust any woman with an Adams Apple bigger than mine. But on second look I must ask myself "is that an adams apple or is that simply the permanant outline of an enormous schlong she tried to stuff down her throat?"


Charles Turner said...

Maybe she's in "deep throat" mode.

Jeff Vachon said...

Always Edgar. I gotta get to know her better.

Hamrose said...

Wow. That is a pretty big adam's apple isn't it. Well, I wonder if she wears a sensible republican coatlike Nancy did?


P.S. It's nice to be able to write a joke and know that someone will actually get it.)

TheStolenOlive said...

that is the funniest thing i have ever seen.