Saturday, March 04, 2006

President did not know about levees

President Bush defended his actions in the aftermath of Hurrican Katrina. Bush admitted that he was never told what “levees” were before the destruction.

“I didn’t know what they were”, Bush said. “I though levees were something you used to get you car out of a ditch or something. I sure as hell wasn’t going to spend tax dollars to make sure peoples cars didn’t get stuck in ditches”.

“Even though I know what levees are now, I still stand by what I did”, Bush continued. “These are poor people we’re talking about. Most of these people didn’t have a pot to piss in. I had a vacation coming up. What do you think I’m gonna do, ruin my vacation to help a few poor colored people? Would YOU do that?" Bush asked a reporter.

"If I was President I would sir", the reporter replied.

"Well, that's why you're not President", Bush responded defensively.


TheStolenOlive said...

That man needs to be IMPEACHED and sent to live in New Orleans!

kimmyk said...

Please tell me that was all a joke.

I mean, I knew he was a dumbass, but that? Oh that just sent me over the edge.

Hamrose said...

Finally!! A White House press interview with a little HONESTY! Tell it like it is King George...stupidity and all! (very funny Jeff, really...very good, worthy of Jon Stewart himself - or even more)

Jeff Vachon said...

KimmyK, that was not joke. What we see on TV and in the press is a joke. This is the truth.