Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Why Does Cheney Kill?

Isn't there somethng seriously wrong with a guy that kills animals just for the sport? Obviously, Cheney is not hungry. He just enjoys killing! I heard that he killed over 70 quail (not counting the lawyer) with no intention of eating them. And this man could become President?


TheStolenOlive said...

Since when does the head of the mafia do his own shooting... I thought they hired people for that... like the miltiary.

Hamrose said...

I think he thought he was going Quayle hunting...

kimmyk said...

lol @ FFTVStar. That was funny.

I just don't have a comment about the man.....his stupidity renders me speechless. *shrugs*

annabkrr said...

And he's a bad shot