Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Would THIS Put You To Sleep???

I was at a friends house the other night as she was singin her baby off to sleep with a children's Lullaby. The song goes as such:

Rock-a-bye baby, in the tree top
When the wind blows, the cradle will rock
When the bough breaks, the cradle will fall
And down will come baby, cradle and all

The beginning of this ballad is indeed relaxing. The kid is rocking gently with the wind and it's very peaceful. But it takes on a whole new significance toward the end of the song when the branch breaks and the baby comes crashing to the ground! I can only envision the remains of the baby lying there in a pool of blood with a tree branch sticking through the cradle! This is one of the most gruesome things that can happen to either a baby or a parent! And we expect this disturbing nightmare to put kids to SLEEP???!!! This song must have been written by either a child abuser or a sociopath!

Of course, even bedtime stroies such as "Hansel & Gretel" are supposed to lull children off to slumber. Here is the story of two children who rob the lady, eat her house then throw her into an oven and watch her cook to death!

Is it any wonder kids are messed up?


TheStolenOlive said...

Yes kids are messed up. And it's a wonder it waited until 1980 before the affects of these stupid nursery rhymes and cartoons really took effect.

I don't know what it is about 1980, except maybe the start of 12 years of Republican HELL, but kids born after 1980 just SUCK.

Charles Turner said...

I grew up on those tales and nursery rhymes, and I don't believe it is harmful for a kid to know them. What offends me are realistic computerized games, in which kids become efficient slaughtering the target figures.

Hamrose said...

Ya know...I always wondered about the words to that song!! LOL It is pretty sick isn't it! I love the Buggs Bunny version, with Elmer Fudd in the cradle...oh man. We are a strange creature aren't we??

kimmyk said...

I always sang "Hush lil' baby" to my kids....

But I would never buy them a mockingbird so who the hell knows. Always reminds me of that movie BIRDS when I think of those birds....nahhh.