Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Is being gay a choice?

It seems everyone has an opinion as to whether being gay is a product of genetics, environment, societal conditioning or a combination of the three. A beefy Republican friend of mine -- who claims to be "super straight" -- argues that it's a choice. He's totally anti-gay and brags about how much he hates gays. During our conversation I tried to be diplomatic with him, seeing as he was 6'3 and over 300lbs, but a moral sense of righteousness dictated that I stand my ground and prove to him that he's wrong. Our conversation went something like this:

Me: Being gay is not a choice.

Him: Of course it's a choice!

Me: Look, when you were a teenager did you "decide" that women were going to make your dick hard and men were not or did it just sorta happen all by itself?

Him: I decided!!!

Me: Ok, you decided. In order for it to be a "choice" then you must get turned on by both men AND women! That means that YOU are gay my friend!

Him: I AM NOT GAY!!! (He pounds his fist on the desk and glares at me. Then he starts ranting and raving) WHO ARE YOU TO CALL ME GAY?? I'M A MARRIED MAN WITH TWO KIDS!!! I OUTA WHIP YOUR ASS HERE AN NOW!!!

I guess "ass-whipping" is a sure sign of "not being gay". His face turned flush with anger. At this point I ran for the door with him in pursuit. I was fast enough to escape him as staying in one place would have meant certain death. I haven't heard from him since.

No doubt about it. He's gay.


TheStolenOlive said...

If it is a choice, then how come 90% of homosexual individuals look gay. You can spot them from a mile away.

Its like saying a person who looks like Corky from "Life Goes On" had a choice to by Downs Syndrome. No they didn't have a choice and I'm not being mean.. but they have a look.

Gay people have a look. And our looks were determined long before we knew what a man or a woman was. It was determined back when we were still swimming in the amniotic sac.

Doesn't sound like they have much of a choice to me.

Jeff Vachon said...

As a Buddhist I think it was determined even BEFORE we were swimming in the amniotic sac. You are correct FTVstar. It is NOT a choice!

TheStolenOlive said...

I'm outraged that you haven't posted anything in 13 days.

Jeff Vachon said...

Sorry I haven't posted FTVStar. I have been in the process of relocating from Boston to Arizona. I even thought of contacting you as I was driving through Houston but I didn't know how! I shall be posting more soon.