Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Saudi Nationals are healthier than poor people.

It seems a Saudia National has been given a liver transplant over 52 others on the waiting list ahead of him. Check out for more information on how money can buy a longer life span! I suspect the doctors involved here have been, shall we say, paid off? This Saudi guy paid over 300,000 bucks more than an insurance company would have paid. That's enough to keep a couple of doctors in a swanky country club for a whole year! I wish I had that kind of dough. Of course, I'm glad I'm poor enough to not need a liver transplant!

Friday, September 23, 2005

The World is run by IDIOTS!

Lemme see. We have had more hurricanes in the past year than at any time in history. Hurricanes are caused by warm temperatures in the seas. We have Global Warming. Thus, it would seem logical to assume that Global Warming in contributing to these hurricanes. However, the Bush administration and some idiot scientists are reluctant to admit this! An article on Yahoo reads in part:

"Nanette Lomarda, acting chief of the tropical cyclone program division at the
World Meteorological Organization (WMO), also noted that the number of category 4 and 5 storms over that ocean had nearly doubled over the past 35 years.

But it was "premature" to say the frequency and intensity of hurricanes in the past decade -- fueled by higher sea surface temperatures -- is attributable to global warming, she said, adding that more research was needed to establish any link."

Granted, I ain't no chief of any tropical cyclone program, but high school science tells us that there is a DEFINITE FUCKING LINK! I suspect Bush has either brainwashed or paid off this lady as she is contradicting what most intelligent scientists are saying! GLOBAL WARMING CAUSES HURRICANES!

Bush and his idiot friends would never admit to this as admitting to global warming means businesses would have to change the way they manufacture in order to stop global warming. This would be very expensive for the businesses and they would have to raise their prices and not make as much profit. Meanwhile, we all die in hurricanes and the fish die from the warm seas. Get it?

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

We should all be RODENTS!

If we were all mice we would have found a cure for cancer many years ago and people would be living longer, more productive lives. Now it seems stem cells could save dying hearts in animals - but not people yet. An article in Nature Magazine reads in part:

"Studies have already shown that embryonic stem cells can improve blood flow after an attack in small animals, such as rodents. But in people, ethical controversies have slowed research into the benefits of embryonic stem cells for ailing hearts."

What is so unethical about wanting to save humanity? It seems George Bush and his pals have decided saving people from suffering is "unethical". Maybe we need a new definition for "ethical"?

Friday, September 16, 2005


It seems a Federal Judge has decided that people do not have the right sue the utilities industry for destroying the atmoshpere thus endangering all our lives. Instead, it's the decisison of out fearless leader GW Bush to decide these things. The article in Yahoo News reads in part:

"A New York federal judge dismissed a global warming lawsuit brought by eight states and the city of New York against five utilities, saying the issue is one for Congress or the president, not the judiciary.

The states filed suit against American Electric Power Co. Inc., Southern Co., Xcel Energy Inc., Cinergy Corp., and the Tennessee Valley Authority public power system in July 2004 asking the court to force the utilities to cut their carbon-dioxide emissions."

Now, I must ask, do you think Bush is going to do anything about these companies causing Global Warming? Bush has repeatedly placed business above human life. Here's a man that actually believes in creationism and thinks the world is 10,000 years old. Could we possibly have a stupider person in charge of the destiny of the world?

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

The US Constitution is Squeezeably Soft!

Between Bush and the Supreme Court the Constitution has become nothing more than toilet paper. Bush and his cronies have trampled our rights out of existence. Only the rich and large corporations have "rights". Jose Padilla, an American citizen, has been locked up as a suspected terrorist for two years WITHOUT CHARGES! It seems The Supreme Court has ruled that this is OK! Whatever happened to that old-fashioned "due process" stuff? Bodies are floating down the streets in New Orleans because Bush would not allow federal money put toward strengthening levees and delayed depoying National Guard troops were not deployed until too late despite the governor begging to do so. Bush seemed to do a noble thing when he started giving out $2,000 vouchers for the hurricane victims then abruptly stopped the program - except for people in the Houston Astrodome in Bush's state of Texas. Halliburton has been directed to do the "rebuilding" of Louisiana and Mississippi in a no-bid contract. Small businesses are being torn down under "eminent domain" laws so large businesses can put up shopping malls. Hundreds of thousands are dying in Iraq for no reason. He has repeatedly stated his objection to stem cell research which could alleviate suffering for millions. How many bodies does it require for America to wake up and realize this man is UNFIT???

Friday, September 09, 2005

We must blame the people.

I'm afraid we must blame the people for their suffering in the aftermath of Harricane Katrina. The people in these affected areas are primarily poor, uneducated, mostly black and are the antithesis of everything Bush and his administration represent. If these people only had the the good fortune to be born into white, upper class families and had expensive homes then the levees would have been strengthened long ago, the National Guard would have responded much faster and much of this disaster would have been averted or dealt with more quickly and with a minimal loss of life. There would be no bodies floating or SuperDomes erupting as the people would have simply gotten into their late model Mercedes or BMW's, checked into fancy hotels and immediately purchased new homes elsewhere thus contributing to the economy. So let's not blame the government for what is glaringly the peoples fault!

Friday, September 02, 2005

Micheal Moore

Please read Micheal Moore's blog and the article in it from Cindy Sheehan: